Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Intelligent people

In 1999, two social psychologists discovered something about intelligent people. They rarely think they're smart. In fact, they usually rank themselves as below average. On the other hand, people with lower intelligence do the exact opposite. They almost always over estimate their rank by a long shot. The Duning Krouger effect basically proves the old adage; "Ignorance is bliss."
Let's say you're trying to learn how to draw. When you're finished, your first drawing, you'll probably think you're great at it, but once you practice and realize how much you didn't know, you won't think you're very good at it anymore. This is why people with lower intelligence  often rate themselves so highly. They don't understand how little they know. Just look at the man who was inspired during the Krouger's original experiment. He decided to rub lemon juice on his face with the intention to rob banks. Since lemon juice is on of the ingredients to make invisible ink, he believed he was completely invisible to the bank's cameras. Of course that wasn't true. He just had high expectations so he thought of himself as a genius.
We all know somebody who thinks they're smarter than they are. It can be frustrating at times. I try to practice humility and I don't want to say things that might hurt someone's feelings. From my experience, I often wonder what the world would be like if we  all showed one another a little more care and humanity. I believe that such a little thing could go a long way.
Take care and have a great day.

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